AIM: Caring for Your Soul as a Leader
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AIM: Caring For Your Soul as a Leader

Do you prioritize stewarding your soul?
In “Caring for Your Soul as a Leader,” you’ll get timely insights on restoring your soul. It is designed to help you to thrive. We lead in hectic times, and need “Inside-Out Leadership” that moves us from surviving to thriving. This module explores the importance of resilience, and ways to recharge your soul. It will help you embrace being beloved by God. This module will encourage you to be deeply rooted in relationship with your heavenly Father.

A Resilient Life: Recharging your soul in depleting times
Read this article to continue
Read this article to continue
By Stephen W. Smith, Co-Founder, President and Spiritual Director, Potter’s Inn
Unshakable Soul Care for Leaders
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. | 32 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. | 32 minutes
By Vernicia Eure, Client Services Director, Assist Pregnancy Center
Reflection: Soul Care and the Trickle-Charge
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Consider the resources you have reviewed prior to this activity and answer the discussion questions.
Inside-Out Leadership: Moving from surviving to thriving
Read this article to continue
Read this article to continue
By Roy Fitzwater and Margaret Fitzwater,
Co-Executive Directors for The Navigators, TDC: Train – Develop – Care
The Way of the Beloved
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. | 24 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. | 24 minutes
Margaret Fitzwater, Executive Director Navigators TDC (Train-Develop-Care), The Navigators
Reflection: Inside-Out Leadership
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Consider the resources you have reviewed prior to this activity and answer the discussion questions.
Contagious Calm: Living as people of peace in an age of anxiety
Read this article to continue
Read this article to continue
By Jedd Medefind, President, Christian Alliance for Orphans
Sacred Space
Recorded 09/06/2023 | 18 minutes
Recorded 09/06/2023 | 18 minutes
Dr. Eugene Habecker, President Emeritus, Taylor University
Reflection: Contagious Calm and a Sacred Space
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Consider the resources you have reviewed prior to this activity and answer the discussion questions.
Thriving Plants and Thriving Leaders: Deep roots that lead to much fruit
Read this article to continue
Read this article to continue
By Dr. Kirk D. Mallette, (Retired) Dean of Graduate Studies at York College
Leading From Joy
Recorded 09/06/2023 | 11 minutes
Recorded 09/06/2023 | 11 minutes
By Season Bowers, Pastor, Author and Speaker
Reflection: Leadership Mindsets
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Consider the resources you have reviewed prior to this activity and answer the discussion questions.
My AIM Action Plan
5 Questions
5 Questions
Take some time to process all that you've learned. In this activity you will answer the following questions:
1. What did I learn?
2. Why does it matter?
3. What is my AIM action plan? Please provide insights on future steps you will take in this area.