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  • Contains 11 Component(s)

    A Special Leadership Series Learning Experience


    A Celebration of Christian Women in Leadership

    In this Special Leadership Series learning experience, you will learn from 11 women whose service has positively impacted the Christian Leadership Alliance community and ministry worldwide. They lead with profound faith, guided by God's direction. We also acknowledge that their lessons apply not only to women. They offer insights into leadership and stewardship that can benefit everyone.

    The presenters of this Leadership Series include:

    1. Beth Guckenberger, Co-Executive Director - Back2Back Ministries
    2. Vicki VannBerstein, CEO - America's Christian Credit Union (ACCU)
    3. Dr. Teresa Moon, President & CEO - Institute of Cultural Communicators
    4. Commissioner Jolene Hodder - Retired President of National Programs for The Salvation Army U.S.
    5. Jacinta Tegman, President and CEO - CRISTA MInistries
    6. Lauren Miller, Founder and Managing Partner - Grab & Go Stress Solutions
    7. Margaret Fitzwater, Executive Director - TDC Train-Develop-Care at The Navigators
    8. Shannon Litton, President & CEO - 5by5 Change Agency
    9. Vonna Laue, Executive Director of Global Service and CFO - TEAM
    10. Dr. Peggy Banks, Vice President of Global Assistance - International Christian Concern
    11. Christian Talbot, Former Senior Vice President of Human Resources - World Vision USA

  • Contains 7 Component(s)

    This is a collection of Mainstage Presentations for the Outcomes Conference 2024. Learn from dynamic keynote speakers and Lunch and learn presenters.

    The Outcomes Conference Mainstage 2024

    Conference Theme: THEREFORE

    This experience is on-demand and features the general session presentation from the Outcomes Conference. Feature in the 2024 pass are the following leaders:

    • Dr. Naomi Cramer Overton, former nonprofit CEO and general editor of Tyndale's Every Women's Bible Project
    • Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero, Pastor of The Gathering Place
    • Marvin Campbell, President of The Navigators U.S.
    • Faith Eury Cho, Founder of the Honor Summit
    • Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., Pastor of First Baptist Glenarden 
    • Dr. Rob Mckenna, Founder of WiLD Leaders
    • Ed Fry and Elaine Welcome from FaithSearch Partner,  Host a Pannel Conversation about Creating a Culture of  Encouragement. Participants include Laura Gardner (Joni and Friends), Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder (The Salvation Army), Fran Brown (CapinCrouse), and Dr. Justin A. Irving (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) 

    Note: Platinum and Gold members have complimentary access to all Mainstage Digital Passes content. Your organization must be in good standing, and your name must appear on the CLA roster.

  • Contains 9 Component(s)

    This is a collection of the Mainstage Presentations for the Outcomes Conference 2023 - Learn from dynamic keynote speakers and Lunch and Learn conversations.

    The Outcomes Conference Mainstage 2023

    Mainstage Presentations
    Conference Theme: ENTRUSTED
    This experience is on-demand and features the general session presentations from the designated Outcomes Conference. Featured in the 2023 Pass are the following leaders:
    • Dr. Mark Jobe, President, Moody Bible Institute
    • Jon Lee, Principal, LERMA Agency
    • Carmen LaBerge, Author, Speaker, Christian Radio Host
    • Matt Markins, CEO, AWANA
    • Mutua Mahianini, President, The Navigators International
    • Season Bowers, Pastor, Speaker, and Podcast Host
    • Ayanda Khumalo, Central Worship Pastor, Woodside Bible Church
    • Jeremy Kluth, Founder, Scripture Alive
      • Note: Platinum and Gold members have complimentary access to all Mainstage Digital Pass Memberships. They must be in good standing and have their name on the organizational roster.
    • Register
      • Platinum - Free!
      • Gold - Free!
      • Silver - $57
      • Bronze - $57
      • Affinity - $57
      • International - $57
      • Individual - $57
      • Academy - $256.99
    • More Information
  • Contains 15 Component(s)

    Do you want tips for engaging your board in fundraising?

    AIM: Fundraising and Your Board


    Do you want tips for engaging your board in fundraising???

    In “Fundraising and Your Board,” you will gain wisdom on ways to engage your board in its critical fundraising roles. This module will examine ways to “supercharge” your board, and key metrics you should be measuring for organizational success. It offers four keys to success in creating board leadership and engagement in organizational fundraising efforts. You will also learn ways to ensure board unity as it helps to grow finances for your organization. 

  • Contains 15 Component(s)

    Do you want to create a thriving Christian workplace?

    AIM: Create a Flourishing Workplace Culture


    Do you want to create a thriving Christian workplace???

    In “Create a Thriving Workplace Culture,” you will learn ways to build a culture of trust in your workplace. You will also gain insight into building a life-giving community of belonging that fosters a strong workplace culture. You will also learn why an organization’s culture comes before strategy and is its most important asset. Leaders of frontline organizations reflect on developing a flourishing workplace culture where team members thrive rather than survive.

  • Contains 15 Component(s)

    Do you want to build lasting relationships with major donors?

    AIM: Mastering Major Donor Development


    Do you want to build lasting relationships with major donors??

    In “Mastering Major Donor Development,” you will gain insights on building transformational relationships with major donors. This module explores how to find “elusive” major donors and how to engage and build lasting, transformational relationships with them. Learn from proven experts how to speak major donor’s language, and embrace your vital role in shepherding people of wealth. Also, gain insight into trends in major donor development.

  • Contains 15 Component(s)

    Do you want to succeed as a leader in today’s world?

    AIM: Resilient, Adaptive, and Influential Leadership


    Do you want to succeed as a leader in today’s world?

    In “Resilient, Adaptive, and Influential Leadership,” you will gain practical wisdom for executive leaders in a rapidly changing world. You’ll learn how to embrace “adaptive leadership” as you chart your course into previously uncharted territory. You will learn some keys to becoming a leader of influence and examine ways to be resilient as a leader in today’s rapidly changing world. Also, learn why transformational leaders approach leadership as a sacred call.

  • Contains 15 Component(s)

    Do you want to lead a successful Capital Campaign?

    AIM: Capitalizing on Capital Campaigns


    Do you want to lead a successful Capital Campaign?

    In “Capitalizing on Capital Campaigns,” you will learn the keys to visionary capital campaigns that offer transformational engagement for your organization’s donors. You will also gain insight into building a persuasive case for your campaign. You will examine your Board’s vital role. The CFO’s role is also explored. These frontline thought leaders share ideas that help you start a Capital Campaign well and offer a winning strategy for success.

  • Contains 15 Component(s)

    Do you want to equip your teams for success?

    AIM: Employee Development: Equipping Your Teams


    Do you want to equip your teams for success?

    In “Employee Development: Equipping Your Team,” you will gain insightful ideas for developing people to maximize their potential and help them fulfill their purpose. Explore ways to know your team well, and to equip team members for success. Consider what we can learn from Jesus’ model for developing potential. You will also discover why leadership coaching is an important part of a staff development program, and how to do it well.

    Michelle Beckham-Corbin (Moderator)

    Director of Marketing and Communications

    American Heritage Girls

    Michelle Beckham-Corbin has served at American Heritage Girls, Inc. as Director of Marketing & Communications since 2016.  Before joining AHG, Michelle’s professional career included 15 years at Procter & Gamble in the marketing, advertising, and customer business development sectors. She traveled the entrepreneurial path and founded a digital media consulting company in 2009; sharing best practices and training with hundreds of clients throughout the mid-west.

    Michelle holds a B.S. in Psychology and an M.B.A from Xavier University in Cincinnati, a certificate in Moralities of Everyday Life from Yale University, and is HubSpot-certified in Inbound Marketing and Social Media Marketing. In addition, she has been a guest Marketing lecturer at several University Business Schools in the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky region. She is a published author and enjoys writing short stories and poetry.

  • Contains 15 Component(s)

    Do you want to build a strong monthly giving program?

    AIM: Sustainer Giving Strategies


    Do you want to build a strong monthly giving program?

    In “Sustainer Giving Strategies,” you will learn innovative ways to create and grow a monthly sustainer-giving program. Learn how to launch a monthly giving program for your organization, and acquire five key strategies for success. This module offers innovative thinking on “sustainer giving in a subscription economy,” and shows how our current “age of experience” offers new ways to build successful sustainer giving programs. The vital role of gratitude is also highlighted.