Outcomes Academy Online

Lead Like Jesus | Summer 2024

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Lead Like Jesus | Heart, Head, Hands, & Habits

This 10-week course is designed to help the participant learn what is needed to develop the heart, head, hands, and habits of a great leader with Jesus as the model. The readings, videos, and other materials are designed to help the participant uncover what might be keeping them from realizing full leadership potential while helping develop those skills and habits needed to become a leader who leads like Jesus. Lead Like Jesus' definition of leadership says, "Anytime you influence the thinking, behavior or development of another person, you are engaging in leadership." So whether you are a stay-at-home parent, a teacher, a CEO, an administrative professional, an electrician, a nurse, a coach, or a church leader, you are influencing the lives of others, and that makes YOU a leader!

Content Contributors: Lead Like Jesus

Learning Objectives
  1. Develop insight into the transformational leadership cycle and better understand being a leader who leads like Jesus.
  2. Understand how to develop the heart of a great leader
  3. Understand how to create the head of a great leader
  4. Understand how to make the hands of a great leader
  5. Understand how to complete the habits of a great leader
Requirements for Receiving Credit
  1. The completion and submission of five Reflection assignments demonstrate that the participant has read the required resources and reviewed the presentation content.
  2. Engage in all topic forum discussions for all five sessions.
Required Text Book(s)

 Lead as Jesus Revisited: Lessons from the greatest leadership role model of all time  | Blanchard, K.H., Hodges, P. & Hendry P.H. (2016), TN: W Publishing Group, an imprint of Thomas Nelson.

Faculty: W. Scott Brown CCNL, Vice President for Leadership Experiences and Resources, Christian Leadership Alliance

W. Scott Brown, CCNL, is vice president for leadership experiences and resources for Christian Leadership Alliance. He also serves as editor-in-chief of the Alliance’s national magazine, Outcomes.

Scott has been a part of the Alliance’s leadership team since 2008. Before joining the Alliance, he served as director of communications for a national business association ranked by Fortune as one of America’s 50 most influential associations. His earlier career also included serving as a legislative advisor to a U.S. Senator and a U.S. Representative. He holds a Master’s degree in communications journalism/public affairs from The American University, a Master’s degree in liberal arts from “great books” school, St. John’s College, and an undergraduate degree in government from Liberty University.

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