Outcomes Academy Online

CCNL1 | LEADERSHIP | Fall 2024

  • Registration Closed

CCNL 1 | LEADERSHIP | Personal, Executive, and Governance

The 10-week course provides the leader of a nonprofit organization with an executive-level view of what is foundational for God-honoring personal, organizational, and board leadership. It creates a roadmap that encourages a leader to think more deeply about the role of executive Leadership and how senior leaders influence others, the organization, the board, and those the organization serves. CCNL 1 is a required course for all CCNL program participants. 

Contributors: CLA Advisory Council: Ed Morgan, Al Lopus, Dan Busby, Tom Okarma, and Tami Heim

Learning Objectives
  1. Explore the greatest leadership role model, transformational leadership cycle, how to develop your leadership mission statement, and guard your heart
  2. Learn how to define success and put into practice steward leadership responsibilities for Christ-centered Kingdom outcomes.
  3. Understand the core competencies of a leader and how to develop them
  4. Review the core framework necessary to be in place for nonprofit board governance
  5. Understand the CEO’s relationship with the board in leading and maximizing board effectiveness
Requirements for Credit
  1. The completion and submission of five Reflection assignments demonstrate that the participant has read the required resources and reviewed the presentation content.
  2. Engage in all the topic forum discussions for all five sessions.
Required Book(s)
  1. John C. Maxwell & Tim Elmore,  The Maxwell Leadership Bible New King James Translation. Nashville, TN.
  2. Once it begins, all other reading materials will be available to the participant via links and downloadable PDFs from within the online course.

Faculty: W. Scott Brown CCNL, Vice President for Leadership Experiences and Resources, Christian Leadership Alliance

W. Scott Brown, CCNL, is the Christian Leadership Alliance's vice president for leadership experiences and resources. He also serves as editor-in-chief of its national magazine, Outcomes.

Scott has been a part of the Alliance's leadership team since 2008. Before joining the Alliance, he served as communications director for a national business association ranked by Fortune as one of America's 50 most influential associations. His earlier career also included serving as a legislative advisor to a U.S. Senator and a U.S. Representative. He holds a Master's degree in communications journalism/public affairs from The American University, a Master's degree in liberal arts from "great books" school, St. John's College, and an undergraduate degree in government from Liberty University.

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